We have always considered and collected these commercial masks and helmets as industries tribal art. Examples can be elegant in their simplicity or bazaar and complex. They are always unique, suprising and filled with personality.

Large Impressive 1800s Kaleidoscope

This scope is unsigned and was acquired from a European collector. It could be American but I’m guessing its not. The eyepiece and turning mechanism are brass. The tube is canvas wrapped and the tapered back is turned wood. The unique feature on this kaleidoscope is the front glass compartment. It is hinged and opens to add or change the color glass bits in front. The finish and construction suggest that this is from the mid-1800s. The patina and condition is beautiful. We have never see another example like this…15.5″x 15.5″ x7″…$1500

SKU: 883836247262
