We have always considered and collected these commercial masks and helmets as industries tribal art. Examples can be elegant in their simplicity or bazaar and complex. They are always unique, suprising and filled with personality.
Cambridge and Paul Polygraph 1900
The MacKenzie-Lewis polygraph Manufactured by The Cambridge and Paul Instrument Co., Ltd. Ossining-on-Hudson, NY. H 4-5/8″ W 8-5/8″ D 5-1/8″.
The Cambridge and Paul Instrument Company Ltd. manufactured the Mackenzie-Lewis polygraph, a device used to record arterial and venous pulses, in the early 20th century.
Here’s a more detailed look at the Cambridge and Paul Instrument Company and the Mackenzie-Lewis polygraph. This company, which operated in London, was known for producing scientific instruments, including the Mackenzie-Lewis polygraph. It was designed to record arterial and venous pulses graphically. It used tubes placed on the jugular vein (neck) and the brachial artery (arm) to register pulses, which were then recorded on a continuous roll of paper by pens.
The device was used to diagnose arrhythmias and other heart-related issues. Dr. James Mackenzie (1853-1925), a British heart surgeon, developed the ink-writing polygraph in 1906, which recorded the pulse as continuous lines on a long roll of paper… $475