The Journal News Found Us… “Early Electrics turns antique lights into modern marvels.”

The Journal News Found Us… “Early Electrics turns antique lights into modern marvels.”

January 15, 2015 in Blog 1
This was a nice story with very good pictures and a short video interview… Hope I didn't make a fool of myself. To see the whole thing go to this link (Journal News- Early Electrics) It's always best to visit in person. The new Early Electrics & Radio Guy showroom[....]
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Early Electrics may have the largest collection of rare I. P. Frink lamps out there!

Early Electrics may have the largest collection of rare I. P. Frink lamps out there!

December 14, 2014 in Blog 1
We have always sought out and offered a nice selection of Frink and Wheeler reflector lighting. To find one or two examples was always a great find. This last Masonic temple salvage has filled the showroom and warehouse with a truck load of originals. Samples are all on display at[....]
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